Amy asks “Did you ever have a concussion?” Amy explains that she had a concussion in 2004 after a car accident. Last week she felt a similar sensation, wondering, with the assault on free speech, if she is still in America.

Amy begins the story of the most cruel and unusual punishment for freedom of speech 1975 in China. She describes a beautiful and talented violin player who ended up in the Communist Army before entering the CCP in a propaganda role. She wrote to Mao during the Cultural Revolution, criticizing the movement and urging him to stop the movement. Amy is not sure whether the letter ever reached Mao. The lady was arrested in 1969, though she refused to recant her position.

She was forced to divorce her husband, so she could never again see her kids. She was beaten, tortured and raped, but she would not break. Before she was executed in 1975, her vocal chords were surgically removed so she could no longer speak.

Many years later, it was found out that before her execution, that her children were forced to denounce their mother, support her execution and refuse to receive her body for burial.

Nan mentions that the family of victims of CCP executions would be charged for the cost of the bullets.

Amy mentions that last year a similar incident happened to another young woman.

Nan describes efforts by the CCP to purchase Taiwanese media. “They send tons of money”, he explains. Nan relates this to the early stages of the take over of Hong Kong. First all the commercials for Hong Kong media started coming from CCP friendly sources. Gradually, all the media started self censoring.

Billy mentions a WHO meeting where protestors were given a “free speech zone”. Billy thinks the entire US is a free speech zone.

Nan mentions that in October of 2019, in Campbell, CA he tried to interview new American Citizens and he encountered something similar.

Amy visited a book store in China town, that once had books from Taiwan and other diverse places. She returned recently and all the books had a pro CCP or Xi perspective.

Nan suggests that The China Daily is delivered to every US representative.

Billy asks how The Epoch Times has avoided CCP censorship. Nan explains that they are considered an enemy of the state by the CCP. Nan mentions that there used to be a dating service in The Epoch Times that matched US and Chinese singles, but folks in China started being threatened for appearing in The Epoch Times.

Amy mentions that Chinese WeChat will not allow sharing Epoch Times articles. Nan recommends sending the text of the article without anything identifying the message as from The Epoch Times.

Amy describes how scanning articles to make images is necessary to get through the censors. Nan explains that many “sensitive words” need to be changed or removed. He mentions that Chairman Xi has 200,000 nicknames.

Amy suggests increased surveillance and control will happen very soon in the US. She mentions Cancel Culture. She describes an insurance policy which requires you to answer whether you have attended a rally in the past 30 days.

Wendy mentions the Chinese radical We We, who has an exhibit on Alcatraz right now.
She mentions issues of slave labor.

Nan mentions a friend who is a poet. She attended an international book exhibition in Germany. Because she is a Chinese political dissident, the exhibition refused to show her poems. After some discourse with the exhibition, she negotiated to have an exhibition in which she spent three days inside a cage to protest her treatment.

Cornell Terry is very sympathetic to China Uber Alles’ cause. He thinks the advocacy would be improved if the title was The Chinese Communist Threat instead of China Uber Alles. He thinks there should also be a series of documentary films to illustrate the brutality of the CCP. Billy wonders why that hasn’t been done already.

Art mentions that he used to work for Peter Navaro. Art mentioned that Peter Navaro has produced a documentary video with reveling information on the CCP.

Billy was slicing onions for the family onion pie and he had the thought that the layers of the onion were the layers of corruption in the CCP.

Art suggests that there is a very dark model for society which this show illuminates.

Nan describes the Impeachment process. He mentions that, if you remove all the Republicans and focus only on the statements of the Democrats, their statements sound very much like the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

Dick brings up Cancel Culture and suggests that there will be prosecution for supposed hate speech in accordance to the most extreme interpretation of what hate speech could be.

Amy mentions an 18 year old white student who outed her mother as a Trump supporter who attended a Trump rally. She said her mother does not deserve to be her mother.

Dick mentions that Rodger Stone’s wife has been badly beaten and suggests that “the violence is just around the corner”. He talks about no-fly lists for Republicans “standing up to get our election laws reviewed”.

Nan relates the early Cultural Revolution to contemporary Cancel Culture.

Dick suggests that constitutions can be ignored if the society does not value the spirit of those constitutions.

Billy suggests that both he and Amy agree that the rights we have in the US are worth fighting for. Billy mentions all the hard times the US has been through and survived.

Dick thinks that right now we are going through something we have never been through before and warns of new hate laws that will limit free speech under a Democrat government. Dick suggests studying the changes in China, Russia and elsewhere to see how free speech is lost.

Amy suggests that it is “a new world with new rules”. Billy suggests that the China Uber Alles team loves our country so much they are willing to do this show. He mentions how the diverse community around the radio station sets and example. He understands Amy’s less optimistic outlook, but suggests that it makes the teams experience together that much better.

Billy mentions an article that the Chinese media has gone global, but so has the push back. He recites part of the article describing how local journalists are drawing attention to pro CCP articles that are slipped into publications around the world.

Nan mentions that, in Hong Kong there is something called “Hong Kong Leak” which is similar to WikiLeaks, only it is for reveling the personal information of any pro-democracy advocates. He also mentions how disinformation is used to discredit democracy advocates.

Amy mentions various misleading techniques the CCP has used to manage the story surrounding Fang Fang.

Dave suggests that immorality is the downfall of the constitution.

Nan suggests that the important goal is “how we’re going to keep our freedom and liberty”. He suggests that can happen through mutual respect.

Billy, thinking about the Christmas holiday, mentions that the one rule his family followed was “no politics”. Billy suggests that, if we are going to talk about politics, we need to respect each other. Amy suggests that will not work if the CCP is in the conversation.

Billy recalls Amy’s first story and imagines what it would be like to be put in the position of being forced to denounce your own parents.

Francis studied Chinese history. She was the student of the daughter of the dentist that worked on the last empress. They were left with one set of chopsticks after the cultural revolution. As an 18 year old, she read Mao’s book, but after getting to know many Chinese people, she changed her perspective about the CCP. She suggests that the idea that either conservatives or liberals are more moral is not helpful. “We need to focus on what is important”, she says.

The team discusses the events at the capitol on Jan 6th.

Nan discusses WeChat using fake accounts to support the pro-CCP candidate in Taiwan. The Taiwanese cyber security detected millions of attacks from the CCP.

Rory calls and asks about CCP twitter accounts. Nan explains that all the top CCP officials have Twitter accounts, though Twitter is banned in China.

Billy points out that the leader of the CCP has a Twitter account, but not the President of the US.

Rory says that “Jack Dorsey is starting to look like Rasputin.”

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