‘Something to hide’: Aussie Senator hits out at China over Covid inquiry

Covid: WHO says ‘extremely unlikely’ virus leaked from lab in China

China seizes on lack of WHO breakthrough in Wuhan to claim coronavirus vindication

China Scores a Public Relations Win After W.H.O. Mission to Wuhan

WHO team: Coronavirus unlikely to have leaked from China lab

WHO releases new tightened guidelines regarding the diagnostic criteria for COVID-19. PCR positive no longer means you have COVID-19. You need a second test to confirm you have the virus

TOTAL COINCIDENCE ALERT: C19 Diagnostic Criteria Tightened by WHO on Biden Inauguration Day!

“The second largest contributor to the WHO budget is not even a nation state, but rather is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The organization accounts for roughly 10 percent of the WHO’s funding at around $531 million. Third is the GAVI vaccine alliance, also supported by the Gates, which contributes more than $370 million.”

It’s also important to notice the outsized role of the the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Well worth the read…
“Fueled by more than $600 million in funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation—a virtually unheard-of sum for an academic research institute—the IHME has outgrown and overwhelmed its peers, most notably the World Health Organization (WHO), which previously acted as the global authority for health estimates.”

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