No Escape

No Escape: The True Story of China’s Genocide of the Uyghurs
A powerful memoir by Nury Turkel that lays bare China’s repression of the Uyghur people. Turkel is cofounder and board chair of the Uyghur Human Rights Project and a commissioner for the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.  As a human rights attorney and Uyghur activist who now serves on the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Turkel tells his personal story to help explain the urgency and scope of the Uyghur crisis. Born in 1970 in a reeducation camp, he was lucky enough to survive and eventually make his way to the US, where he became the first Uyghur to receive an American law degree. Since then, he has worked as a prominent lawyer, activist, and spokesperson for his people and advocated strong policy responses from the liberal democracies to address atrocity crimes against his people.

The Targeting of Uighur Muslims in China
The United States, Canada, and several other governments have accused the Chinese government of committing crimes against humanity and genocide against the Uighur people, after evidence emerged that the Chinese government has forcibly sterilized Uighur women, separated children from families, and forbidden certain Uighur cultural practices. Uighurs (also spelled Uyghurs) are an ethnic group who are predominantly Muslim, speak a Turkic language, and live mainly in what is now the Xinjiang province in northwestern China. Since 2016, the Chinese government has targeted Uighur people with a vast surveillance system, heavy policing, mass detentions, and forced labor systems. Researchers estimate that more than 1 million Uighurs have been detained in a series of prison camps throughout the region.

ChIna forbids Uyghurs from speaking
According to a Chinese police officer quoted by Radio Free Asia (RFA) on Wednesday, the Chinese government has issued directives across the Xinjiang region forbidding its captive population, the Uyghur Muslims, from discussing the brainwashing camps in their province.
The Uyghurs have also been instructed not to answer telephone calls from overseas numbers. These gag orders reportedly are intended to sanitize Xinjiang before the arrival later this month of U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet.

China: 83 major brands implicated in report on forced labour of ethnic minorities from Xinjiang assigned to factories across provinces; Includes company responses
ASPI estimates at least 80,000 Uyghurs were transferred out of Xinjiang and assigned to factories in a range of supply chains including electronics, textiles, and automotives under a central government policy known as ‘Xinjiang Aid’. The report identified 27 factories in nine Chinese provinces that are using Uyghur labour transferred from Xinjiang since 2017. ASPI reached out to the 83 brands to confirm their relevant supplier details. Where companies responded before publication, they have included their relevant clarifications in their report. Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Abercrombie & Fitch, adidas, Amazon, BMW, Gap, H&M, Inditex, Marks & Spencer, Nike, North Face, Puma, PVH, Samsung and UNIQLO to respond; their responses are provided. We invited Apple, Esprit, and Fila to respond; they did not. L Brands sent its response after publication of our Weekly Update, in October 2020.  We will continue to post further company responses as we receive them.

China Cutting up passports
According to reports coming out of China, the CCP is preventing people from exiting the country.  Numerous reports have been shared in social media where individuals attempting to exit the country were prevented from doing so, with some of these people having their passports cut by the border officers in China.

The scope of forced labor in Xinjiang is bigger than we knew

Why it matters: Xinjiang products are deeply integrated into lucrative supply chains around the world. The Chinese Communist Party’s official embrace of coerced labor will force Western governments and institutions to choose between pleasing business leaders or enforcing universal human rights values. Details: In the past three years, the Chinese government has forced hundreds of thousands of Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang to perform seasonal labor in the region’s cotton fields, according to a December investigation from the BBC.

Uyghur county in China has highest prison rate in the world
Nearly one in 25 people in a county in the Uyghur heartland of China has been sentenced to prison on terrorism-related charges, in what is the highest known imprisonment rate in the world, an Associated Press review of leaked data shows. A list obtained and partially verified by the AP cites the names of more than 10,000 Uyghurs sent to prison in just Konasheher county alone, one of dozens in southern Xinjiang. In recent years, China has waged a brutal crackdown on the Uyghurs, a largely Muslim minority, which it has described as a war on terror.

China’s repression of Uyghurs extends far beyond its own borders

China has co-opted international groups, including Interpol – the worldwide police cooperation organisation – in the service of this global dragnet. In July 2021, the Uyghur translator and activist Idris Hasan was detained in Morocco, where he had fled after Turkish authorities intimidated him for his activism among Istanbul’s Uyghur diaspora. China issued an Interpol red notice for his capture on the grounds that he was a member of Uyghur terrorist organisations – a common and often unfounded accusation that is made against Uyghur political activists. Interpol later suspended the red notice after finding the claim to be without evidence, noting bylaws forbidding persecution on political, religious or economic grounds.

Exiled Uyghurs Fear China’s Reach
Amannisa Abdulla is raising her two children, ages 9 and 4, without her husband. The 34-year-old Uyghur woman said her husband, Ahmed Talib, who is also Uyghur, was deported to China four years ago from the United Arab Emirates where he was working at the time. “Interpol in the UAE called me and said they deported my husband on February 27, 2018,” Abdulla told VOA. She said her husband had not committed any crimes. “China operates a global dragnet spanning 44 countries,” said Bradley Jardine, author of the Woodrow Wilson Center report “The Great Wall of Steel: China’s Global Campaign to Suppress the Uyghurs,” which details Beijing’s pursuit of Uyghurs around the world who have fled China.

What Samsung’s Return to U.S. Chip Manufacturing Means For the Economy | WSJ
Semiconductor manufacturers Samsung, Intel and Texas Instruments recently announced plans for new chip factories in the U.S. WSJ’s Rob Copeland visits Central Texas to learn why Samsung is moving to the region and what this type of reshoring could mean for the American economy. Photo Illustration: Adele Morgan.

Has Xi Jinping Virtually Stepped Down? Is Li Keqiang the “New Master”?
In the past few days, rumors about Xi Jinping having been ousted have drawn a lot of attention and heated debate among Chinese communities worldwide. What do the rumors say and why do people believe or disbelieve them? And how do I look at these rumors and debates? Today I’d like to talk about these issues.

Mass Exodus of Companies | US-China: Sanctions | Chinese Economy | Shanghai | Housing Market
China Update is about China economic and political news and analysis, today we discuss the Chinese economy, Chinese housing market, EU-China business, US-China, sanctions, Shanghai, plus other China news

80% Of People In Hong Kong Want To Emigrate, Number Of Multi-Millionaires Plunges 15%: New Survey Finds
Hong Kong saw a net outflow of 65,295 and 66,334 residents in February and March respectively, according to the city’s official immigration data. The trend will remain strong, as a new poll revealed that nearly 80 percent of Hong Kong residents surveyed were interested in emigrating. In mid-March, Bartra interviewed nearly 500 Hong Kong residents aged 18 and above through an online questionnaire. According to the poll, 79 percent of the respondents indicated that they are considering emigration or will consider this in the future; 48 percent indicated that it was “possible in the future,” and 31 percent indicated that they were “considering” the move.

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